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For Learning Materials, Video Materials and Training Events.

These standards have been adopted for BBKA education and training resources including publications, website materials and BBKA learning online resources. Existing materials will be updated as the review date of each piece of material arises. 

●     Clean, gloves (Nitrile disposables for preference) - absolutely no leather gloves, or bare hands.  Caution about use of latex gloves because of allergies.

●     Good combs in hives - clean, not dark coloured (unless using for reference to comb changes).

●     Clean bee suit - done up correctly - no shorts, bare sleeves or sandals whilst wearing a bee suit or in apiary.

●     Clean, tidy apiary.

●     Wax scraps disposed of properly into a receptacle with a lid (good to show “wax bucket”).

●     Mesh floor debris disposed of into a bin bag not a hedge!

●     All hive tools to be clean / smokers to have clean bellows and spouts.

●     Show hive tools and gloved hands being scrubbed between colonies.

●     Smoker lit without veil or gloves on, spout and bellows of smoker scrubbed after use.  

●     No trip hazards.

●     No combs on the floor! (Show use of hangars, hive stand, nuc etc to support)

●     HACCP*  guidance followed

●     Apply risk assessment rules to video - nothing dangerous shown.

●     No swearing!

●     No commercial endorsements or advertising

●     Boots worn/ankles well protected with boots that can be scrubbed in a footbath.

●     Good handling: for example: roof upside down and placed behind at a reachable distance (safe lifting); care when removing and temporarily placing QE to one side (could the queen get into the supers!); avoid rolling bees etc

●     Clean tools and hands between hive inspection in washing soda solution.

●     Presence of a bucket of washing soda solution or agricultural disinfectant for storage of tools and cleaning hands.

●     Placement of Queen excluder after removal from hive near entrance to allow bees to return to hive and prevent trip hazard.

●     To prevent personal back injury, ideally use a double stand, or light travelling stand to keep roof and supers clear of floor.

●     Use of water spray as alternate to smoke especially in hot weather.

●     Good hive tool use, demo of both main types.

●     Kit awaiting sterilising /cleaning to be kept bee tight and separate from clean kit.

●     Mention keeping combs/open hives covered when robbing is likely etc esp. in autumn.

*HACCP guidance
For example copies - but Special issue honey P77-79 is a HACCP


Agreed by Education & Husbandry Committee February 2022. To be reviewed February 2024.